Let’s face it, the mind is powerful tool, and those learning how to use their minds better stand out in the leadership world. When it comes to looking at leadership through the mind’s lenses, these four points are quite valuable.

Shift Your Energy
As an Energy Leadership Coach, my number one workable trait in leadership is ENERGY! I describe energy as the process leaders use to consciously change their thoughts, emotions, and actions to produce high functioning relationships, exceed personal goals, and harness personal confidence. I am a believer that shifting energy with a client changes EVERYTHING. Ironically with “energy” many leaders don’t “believe” that energy can be changed. I assure you, if you want to be your own version of a dream leader, you are going to need to lean into shifting your energy. Don’t believe me? Check out this link by Tony Robins, where he says anything can be transformed through energy.
Take Responsibility for Yourself
The second principle that is wholeheartedly needed by today’s leaders is, taking responsibility for themselves first. Often, I will meet leaders who want to help everyone else develop themselves, without putting in their own development work. Many leaders have done personal leadership development in the past but haven’t done recent leadership maintenance. Those who are the best and most productive leaders are the ones who are always looking to grow from the feedback of others around them. Who invest in leadership coaching for themselves. And those who don’t see themselves as being over those they lead. These powerful, yet humble leaders know that when any problem or conflict arises that they have some ownership of what is happening.
Upgrade Your Communication Skills
Let’s talk about communication! Communication is an art that often needs an update. Communication can mean many things. Sometimes it’s the ability to speak to someone who is emotionally charged, and having them feel heard and validated. Other times, it’s conveying in a non-threatening way what is expected, verifying that it is understood, and making sure everyone is on the same page.
In my hundreds of coaching hours, I have never had a client that didn’t ask for an upgrade on their communication skills. It’s a fascinating experience for leaders not to feel stressed or stuck because they are not sure how to communicate. Communication is the ultimate soft skill power tool!
Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence
The last aspect is a leader’s ability to handle their emotions and the emotions of those around them. We are all human and have emotions. We can’t go a day without experiencing them. It’s important that leaders learn to understand and process their emotions in healthy ways. It’s also important to know that productivity and accountability are directly tied to our emotions. As leaders learn this about themselves, they also can better lead those around them. The happiest, high powered teams are rocking their emotional intelligence and open to anything that will keep things moving forward!
Understanding these psychological aspects will help all leaders gain awareness of what leadership could look like for them. The power they have as a leader to be in a posture of learning, to shift themselves and their teams, to seek an update when maintenance is needed, and feel in their highest leadership Self! This is the next generation of leadership, and it starts with you!